NEW: Diploma in Management & Leadership

Teachers are already in management roles and you may wish to have this accredited as it shows you have real leadership potential. This covers all aspects of management and is a really useful and interesting qualification. It is of course aimed at those employed in business as well, and you will gain a lot of knowledge on business planning, strategy, decision making, portfolio management, innovation, customer relationships and marketing.

It is a Level 5 qualification accredited by Edexcel and students can work through the 7 different modules at their own pace - with dedicated tutor support.  As it is delivered online, students can start at any time throughout the year.

For more details, CLICK HERE

Judith McKeon
Principal of MKLC Training. BA. MBA, PhD. Passionately interested in education, history & migration.

FREE Webinars! More dates and topics announced!


Happy Easter!